(Review in English below)
Direcção musical – Christian Thielemann
Encenação – Katharina Wagner
Tristan – Stephen Gould
Marke –Georg Zeppenfeld
Isolde – Petra Lang
Kurwenal – Iain Paterson
Melot – Raimund Nolte
Brangäne – Christa Mayer
O Tristão e Isolda encerrou este
meu ano em Bayreuth. A abertura foi algo
rápida de mais e um pouco agressiva para o meu gosto mas o que se seguiu é
trabalho de um verdadeiro génio da batuta como o Thielemann... uma intensidade dramática e uma precisão
Vocalmente estiveram todos a um nível estratosférico! A grande surpresa foi
a Brangane da Christa Mayer (uma
Magdalene excelente nos Mestres Cantores de Nuremberga) que fez um papel
poderosíssimo. Que voz de mezzo brilhante!
A Petra Lang e o Stephen Gould estão incríveis. No 1º
acto, a cena do Tristan... Isolde...
(aqui não bebem mas jorram de mão dada o filtro sobre as outras) foi de uma
intensidade e beleza vocal ímpar... a suavidade com que cada nome saiu da
laringe de cada um deles derrete qualquer um!
No 2º acto o mais perfeito O sink hernieder... que eu já ouvi ao
vivo ou em gravação. E com a óbvia grande contribuição de Thielemann. Zeppenfeld colossal (como já tenho
dito, ele e o Groissbock são os melhores baixos wagnerianos da actualidade)!
Gould foi incansável e imparável no 3º acto, titânico, aliviando o quão
pesaroso pode ser ouvir este acto por alguém que não cante e interprete como
ele! Lang com um final estrondoso! Zeppenfeld parecia pouco emotivo mas
compreendi porquê... Katharina Wagner coloca-o não simpático com a razão da
traição de Tristão e com a sua morte, mas mantém-no marcado por essa mesma
traição, em completo escárnio em relação a Tristão. Isolda “morre” para aquela
relação com Tristão mas vive, arrastada do palco, em mão, por Marke.
No global foi excelente, apenas diminuído pelo meu encarar da obra (não é a
minha favorita…) e pelo lugar pouco convidativo na galeria (onde qualquer som
“acessório” é amplificado) para uma encenação não necessariamente minimalista.
Mesmo da estação de comboios ainda é possível um adeus (quiçá até para o ano...) à “Colina Verde”...
Texto de wagner_fanatic
UND ISOLDE, Bayreuth, August 2018
Musical direction - Christian Thielemann
Production - Katharina Wagner
Tristan - Stephen Gould
Marke - Georg Zeppenfeld
Isolde - Petra Lang
Kurwenal - Iain Paterson
Melot - Raimund Nolte
Brangäne - Christa Mayer
Tristan and Isolde ended my year in Bayreuth. The opening was a bit too fast and a bit aggressive for me but what followed is the work of a true genius of the baton like Thielemann ... dramatic intensity and stunning precision!!!
Vocally all have been on a stratospheric level! The big surprise was Christa Mayer's Brangane (an excellent Magdalene in Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg) who performed a very powerful role. What a brilliant mezzo voice!
Petra Lang and Stephen Gould were amazing. In the 1st act, the scene of Tristan ... Isolde ... (here they do not drink but hand jets given the filter over the others) was of an unique intensity and vocal beauty... the softness with which each name left the larynx of each of them melts either!
In the 2nd act the most perfect O sink hernieder ... I've heard live or in recording. And with the obvious great contribution of Thielemann. Colossal Zeppenfeld (as I have said, he and Groissbock are the best Wagnerian basses today)!
Gould was tireless and unstoppable in the 3rd act, titanic, relieving how sorry it can be to hear this act by someone who does not sing and interpret like him! Lang with a booming end! Zeppenfeld seemed unemotional but I understood why ... Katharina Wagner makes him unfriendly with the reason for Tristan's betrayal and his death, but keeps him scarred by this same betrayal, in complete derision of Tristan. Isolde "dies" for that relationship with Tristan but lives, dragged from the stage, in hand, by Marke.
Overall it was excellent, only diminished by my view of the work (not my favorite ...) and by the uninviting place in the gallery (where any "accessory" sound is amplified) for a non-minimalist staging.
Musical direction - Christian Thielemann
Production - Katharina Wagner
Tristan - Stephen Gould
Marke - Georg Zeppenfeld
Isolde - Petra Lang
Kurwenal - Iain Paterson
Melot - Raimund Nolte
Brangäne - Christa Mayer
Tristan and Isolde ended my year in Bayreuth. The opening was a bit too fast and a bit aggressive for me but what followed is the work of a true genius of the baton like Thielemann ... dramatic intensity and stunning precision!!!
Vocally all have been on a stratospheric level! The big surprise was Christa Mayer's Brangane (an excellent Magdalene in Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg) who performed a very powerful role. What a brilliant mezzo voice!
Petra Lang and Stephen Gould were amazing. In the 1st act, the scene of Tristan ... Isolde ... (here they do not drink but hand jets given the filter over the others) was of an unique intensity and vocal beauty... the softness with which each name left the larynx of each of them melts either!
In the 2nd act the most perfect O sink hernieder ... I've heard live or in recording. And with the obvious great contribution of Thielemann. Colossal Zeppenfeld (as I have said, he and Groissbock are the best Wagnerian basses today)!
Gould was tireless and unstoppable in the 3rd act, titanic, relieving how sorry it can be to hear this act by someone who does not sing and interpret like him! Lang with a booming end! Zeppenfeld seemed unemotional but I understood why ... Katharina Wagner makes him unfriendly with the reason for Tristan's betrayal and his death, but keeps him scarred by this same betrayal, in complete derision of Tristan. Isolde "dies" for that relationship with Tristan but lives, dragged from the stage, in hand, by Marke.
Overall it was excellent, only diminished by my view of the work (not my favorite ...) and by the uninviting place in the gallery (where any "accessory" sound is amplified) for a non-minimalist staging.
say goodbye, the railway station.
Text by wagner_fanatic.